Don’t Be a Douchebag

Joanna Cohen
5 min readJul 7, 2021

We can solve so much with one simple rule

Recognize the guy in the picture?

That’s actor Gary Cole as Bill Lumbergh in the movie Office Space.

Lumbergh is a douchebag.

What, pray tell, is a douchebag?

It’s someone with a jaw-dropping lack of self-awareness, an inflated ego that corresponds to no discernible talent, skill, or intellect, and an overall vibe that makes those around them cringe, laugh (at them not with them), or punch them in the face.

On the website Thought Catalog someone representing a group called CoalitionAgainstDouchebaggery sums up it nicely: “A completely self-absorbed tool who is completely oblivious to just how much they really suck.”

The comedy blog Premature Evacuation does a nice breakdown, detailing different types of douches such as: Jersey Douche, Musical Douche, Buzzed Douche, and Vegan Douche.

Douchebags can be found in pop culture, sports, politics. Everywhere, really. You’ve probably run into at least one already today. Maybe that dad at your kids’ school who’s pushing 50 but still wears his baseball cap backward and calls you “Broseph.”

There are young douchebags (hair gel, Axe body spray, and tank tops that show off “the guns”) and old…



Joanna Cohen

Writer, athlete, mom, sports fan. New York City native. Probably the only person on earth who has interviewed Derek Jeter and written dialogue for Susan Lucci.