One Step at a Time

Joanna Cohen
6 min readApr 20, 2020

For spring break this year, we were supposed to take a family trip to Hawaii. As the control freak in the group, trip planning is my domain, so I rolled up my sleeves, got out my highlighters, and dove into putting together a big, bold adventure that would take me, my husband, and our 10-year-old daughter from New York to Maui.

I started by educating myself on the island, then spent hours on travel sites reading reviews of hotels, restaurants, and beaches. I even went to Barnes & Noble and bought an actual book. After about two months, I’d nailed down an itinerary we were pretty psyched about.



Joanna Cohen

Writer, athlete, mom, sports fan. New York City native. Probably the only person on earth who has interviewed Derek Jeter and written dialogue for Susan Lucci.