Thank you, James. I very much appreciate your feedback. So, if I read the phrase “Black people” does it refer to the culture of Black people from Africa, from the Caribbean, from Detroit, etc.? These are clearly vastly different cultures, each with their own unique characteristics and history. To lump them into a single catch-all descriptor seems neither accurate nor helpful and kind of insulting. So, while I completely respect the right of everyone to use whatever terms they choose to describe themselves, I’m not sure what the “Black person” tells me about someone’s culture because it doesn’t tell me which culture we’re talking about. However, if we instead talk about people as an individual human beings, say, for instance, “a young man from New York who loves burgers, the Yankees, playing guitar, watching movies, and doing crossword puzzles, who earned his degree in Philiosphy, works at a tech company, and whose parents were born in Haiti” — then I’ve actually learned something about who that person is specifically and can better understand and honor their culture and experience as they themselves have defined it. Does that make sense?